25 Jun 2020Keep New Zealand Beautiful has announced the winners of the 2020 Resene Nature Murals competition. Ten lucky artists from around New Zealand have won a $750 Resene paint voucher and a drop cloth, high vis vest to help create their mural. Once completed the artists will each receive a $1000 grant. The Resene Nature Murals competition ran from April to June 2020, with artists encouraged to submit mural designs which included an environmental message to paint in their local community. This year Keep New Zealand Beautiful received a record number of entries with the competition gaining popularity among the artist community. The top ten murals were selected based on their environmental message, enhancement of the community, and originality/creativity. The ten winning artists are: Brigita Botma, Keep our home clean NZ!, Auckland Corey Harbrow, Adventures of Lucky n’ Bobs, Christchurch Elise Grangier and James Mitchell, Mind the Balance, Wellington Fiona Clarke, Our Planet, Auckland Jil Sergent, Trouble in the Pegasus Basin, Hawke’s Bay Kelly McGinley, Kaitiakitanga o te Moana, Tauranga Kiran Parbhu, Power, Wellington Mark Noble, Care for the world, and it shall care for you, Rotorua Nest Arts Collective, In Our Hands, Rangiora Ngā Atua Hou, Mangonui Mural Project, Mangonui The winning mural designs can be viewed here. Share this page